Caapi-pinima Hallucinogenic Drink of the Amazon

Tetrapteris Cav of the Malpighia Family


Aka Tetrapteris methystica

Location: Warm Tropics of Mexico and South America, Abundant in the West Indies

The plant grows in plentiful portions throughout the amazon and similar tropical American environments. The leaves are super bright green on the topside and darker on the bottom; and they are typically about 2-4 inches in length, taking an ovate shape. The flower-based foliage is much less when compared to the leaves, however, the flowers that do exist are typically yellow with red or brown patches.

The Maku Indians of the Amazon used Caapi-pinima to create a drink that was very similar to Ayahuasca. It has also been called Caapi. The drink is prepared using the bark of the Tetrapteris. The drink is a strong hallucinogen and its effects can be quite intoxicating.