The Metaphysics of DMT


The Theoneurological Model of Prophecy and DMT

What is DMT?

DMT, also known as the “Spirit Molecule”, is an interesting and prophetic substance.  It could be said that it elicits the effects it has on the brain by chemically modifying receiving characteristics of the complex shared between the mind and the brain. Usually, DMT is injected (although it can also be consumed in a variety of other ways, such as through the use of Ayahuasca). Post-injection or consumption, DMT will alter one’s mind, making it capable of apprehending elements in the Universe that were before unseen or invisible.  These elements might just be an output of the mind, or they could be external, physical elements.  Some individuals claim these effects exist naturally in parallel universes, although that fact is very difficult to prove.  There are some interesting parallels in research which claim that this connection has a lot to do with dark matter, and the Universe’s mass showcasing things which are otherwise missing in the present, visible world. Physics has a lot to say about dark matter, but often considers this theory to be nothing more than theoneurological hypothesis.

Religious Ideology and DMT

There are many religious elements to the use of DMT, from South American tribes to Jewish prophecy. For example, the Jewish (in medieval times at least) believed that there are very real metaphysical properties behind prophecies, or “observable phenomena” which is of great interest and importance.  They also believed that there were no objective mechanisms to analyze this data, leaving the mystery still fully unexposed.  It is easy to create a bridge, however, between Jewish theology of prophecy (or any religious prophecy) and the use of a DMT experience to uncover how it works.  Analyzing how DMT and religious philosophy of prophecy could be connected leads to a shared metaphysical and biological process which share phenomenology. While there is a lot of biomedical research supporting the idea that DMT could open gateways to other worlds, there is certainly a neuroscience behind how it affects the imagination and one’s present sense of intellect. This leads to the notion that there is a direct connection between psychedelic drug state and prophetic experience, especially considering medieval metaphysics.

Does DMT Offer Religious or Prophetic Experiences?


While there are many models which outline DMT’s ability to offer hallucinogenic or metaphysical properties to the mind and one’s experience, there are certainly ideas that these visions could be considered prophecies. One idea that is very common in today’s research is the question as to why the human brain would be hardwired to create these types of experiences in response to this drug to begin with. It is almost as if it were meant to conclude a prophetic, enlightening experience in response to the ingestion of this very natural chemical. Some individuals claim that this is as simple as understanding the health benefits of religious experiences, and understanding that religious experience is beneficial to one’s health.  Considering the specific effects of any anecdotal case study, it is reasonable to assume this is true, as most people who experiment with DMT in a controlled environment seem to report pleasurable and prophetic experiences which are positive in life changing attributes. Others outline God’s involvement in the chemical, suggesting God created the chemical and our biological basis for adapting to its effects as a means to communicate with Him directly.  For various religious, the idea of God is interchangeable, but for nearly any group of people utilizing DMT in religious format, the idea remains relatively similar.  Bottom line: most religious groups utilizing DMT believe that it offers positive and necessary alteration to perception, emotion, somatic elements, and other properties, including some at the biological level.

Imagination or Prophecy?

Attempting to understand whether DMT offers actual prophetic imagery or simply creative imagination is a difficult task using only research and data collected today. All anecdotal experiences share some similarities, but they also share dramatic differences.  It is clear that the substance stimulates, or creatively encourages, the imagination faculties of the mind.  It is reasonable to state it has little effect on the rational faculty where information content actually manifests and resides.  Still, it is reasonable to assume that there is some benefit, as many volunteers and experimenters using the substance claim incredible changes in their perception of life and the Universe even after just one dose.  To consider any of their imagery or change in perception a prophecy, one would have to confront the idea that the experience is related to the divine.  For some, this is an easy assumption and jump to make, for others it is a tragedy and close to impossible. In short: if endogenous DMT were to be linked to the workings of the imaginative faculty in prophecy, it could be claimed as a service or of relevance to God (and even possible transmitting to God in some sense).  One thing is for sure: the administration of DMT always leads to an elevation of brain levels of the compound, of which may encourage unbelievable imaginative states.

Last Words From the Botanical Shaman


Divination and prophecy may be a long way from being proven science, however, a large portion of the world believe in both God and prophecy.  The spirit molecule is named as such for a reason, as it creates a sense that one is more connected with the Universe than in their regular state, and that there is a greater understanding of one’s place within the Universe.  Many individuals consider the use of DMT to be prophetic and life changing.  And there are countless anecdotal experiences which encourage the concept that the chemical creates a bond with God, or another divine entity (the Universe itself included).  DMT most certainly alters brain chemistry and changes one’s state of mind, and it is most certainly one of the most profound drugs in terms of creating hallucinogenic experiences that alter perception.