Cognition and DMT


What Does DMT Do to the Mind?

What Does Cognition and DMT Mean?

Two important facets of cognition relate to the use of DMT and the mind in terms of thinking.  Firstly, DMT suggests an alteration to thought processes. Secondly, DMT suggests an alteration to thought content.  The first, thought process relates to how individuals think, whether it is accelerated or slow, or clear or unconcise. The second, though content relates to what is being thought, whether ideas, verbal, or other information.  Thought content can be described as the message the brain is sending the mind.  Thought processes may be more relevant, as it can contain or elasticate the ideas (thought content) produced by the mind.  Assessing the reality premises of DMT in prophetic states can be more easily broken down by understanding these bases and how they relate to a DMT experience.

The Levels of Consciousness


Consciousness can be described as a level of awareness or one’s level of alertness. For instance, medical officials are typically trained to identify and understand an individual’s level of awareness, or level of consciousness.  These individuals are then able to communicate this information to others, including a patient or colleague.  There are various spectrums of level of consciousness which can range from total coma to hyperalert.  Understanding one’s engagement with their environment and outside stimuli becomes an important part of this process. 

The Levels of Biological Function

In terms of DMT, individuals under the influence or “partaking in a trip” will typically be unaware of what is happening in their outside world. This can even include things happening within their own biological process, or their body.  This is a level of disassociation.  This fact is especially true during the peak of a DMT trip.  In a medical sense, they are considered functionally deaf and oblivious to any outside stimuli or sounds (including verbal commands).  They would not feel the blood pressure gage or understand any recording measures. This is so typical that it is a normal part of basically any DMT examination during peak effects.

Usually, the use of DMT influences one’s psychological state, including confusion and a temporary loss of insight. While the end results of a DMT trip may be positive and lead to a sense of enlightenment, it is important to remember that one may or may not be able to maintain a state of mental alertness during a trip.  Some common anecdotal experiences include individuals not understanding where they are and not being able to see their own feet or experience them as their own.

Potential Prophecy


Diving deeper into a DMT trip may reveal more than meets the biological eye or level of consciousness.  The Jewish religion has a word that describes a DMT trip very accurately known as tardeimah, which means “to fall into a deep sleep.”  In Arabic tradition, there is a similar word which means to “close” or to capture a gap.  These terms are closely utilized in the idea that an individual can “move through a doorway” in the subconscious.  They also mean “to reduce outside sensitivity.” Usually, the onset of this state is rapid and this is why it is often associated with items such as prophecy.  Sometimes it can be accompanied by a fear or feeling of dread. It can be strongly emotional.  This type of experience is closely relevant to the effects experienced by DMT.

Still, many individuals will report feelings and experiences of prophecy from using DMT.  Some individuals account for this experience in the sense of having a dream, while others believe they are talking to God or another divine entity.  Maintaining awareness and intelligence of being may be difficult, however, the experience is nonetheless real and authentic.  It is difficult to understand the nature of these prophecies in terms of function, however, it can be akin to hearing a purported experience of alien abduction. Some people believe that DMT is a gateway, allowing them to enter another world.  This world can sometimes include other beings.  These beings are sometimes inviting, and other times confused as to how a DMT user has “crossed over.”  Many individuals claim these beings are highly intelligent, brining credence to the idea that the beings are either aliens or divine entities. 

Last Words from the Botanical Shaman

It is difficult to understand the cognitive state during an experience with DMT.  There are most certainly measurable cognitive characteristics while in a “prophetic state,” however, it is hard to understand what the user is thinking and how it pertains to the real world that is physically experienced on a day-to-day basis.  Many times it seems as though the experiences an individual has during a DMT trip lead them to ideas that are more intelligent than those which are experienced in the real world.  Regardless, it is clear that many DMT users, if not most (especially when the chemical is administered intravenously), believe they are being transported to a world that is as real as the one they live in every day. Some users even begin to possess an uncertainty of their regular reality after a DMT trip. Many users will even recall their trips, explaining that at first they believe it is a dream or a vision, but then realize, mortified, that it could be actually happening.  There are many theories that several popular Bible verses are founded in the roots of DMT, and that the individuals in the story were literally having a DMT trip.  For example, some individuals believe Moses was under the influence of DMT when he saw the burning bush.  Another common Bible verse involving Samuel, beckons the question as to whether he was experiencing an alternate reality of some kind via DMT, or if his teacher (Eli) was actually calling to him. Regardless, DMT experiences pose a new kind of truth for the individuals experiencing the trip, of which seems extremely real and plausible to them, even after the trip has concluded.