Yellow Henbrane Nightshade

Hyoscyamus of the Nightshade Family


Hyoscyamus albus L

Location: Mediterranean

Yellow Henbrane is a strange looking plant and usually grows in an extremely bushy format. It is a short plant, generally only achieving a height of 9-12 inches. With small, serrated leaves and yellow funnel-like flowers, it is a hard plant to miss! The seeds are white, creme, light brown or gray in color.

This is one of the most well known and widely used medicinal plants of the Old World. It is also one of the most “magical herbs.” The herb can promote trances and induce visions. Yellow Henbrane was commonly used by witches, prophets, oracles and divinitory women. It is referred to as the Dragon’s Herb throughout the ancient Earth oracle of Gaia. It has also been referred to as Crazy Maker, and Zeus’s Beans and is very commonly associated with the God of Prophetic Insanity. Yellow Henbrane produces tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine.