Salvia – Diviners Sage of Mexico

Salvia of the Labiatae (Mint) Family


Aka Salvia Divinorum and Jativa-M.

Location: Mexico, Abundantly Throughout Oaxaca Only

The plant is well-known and used in Mexico, specifically in Oaxaca by the Mazatecs. It has also been suggested it is the narcotic that is referred to as Pipiltzintzintli during the time of the Ancient Aztecs. It has also been known as the herb of the shepherdess and the herb of the Virgin. It has been cultivated throughout history in the open, and in secret, as well as growing wildly. Usually it is chewed, crushed and turned into a beverage, or smoked for its sacred, hallucinogen properties.

The experiences are almost always different, however, quite engaging. Depending upon the exact strain and dosage, light hallucinations and short-term paralysis may be experienced, or heavy, vision-like dreams. Some experiences seem extremely real and lucid. The hallucinations can range from audible and visual to full blown dream-like trance states which provide what feels like days of content crammed into only a single minute or two. The powerful compound salvinorin A is responsible for the hallucinations.