Blue Lotus Flower, Egyptian Water Lily, Sacred Lily

Nyphaea ampla and Nymphaea caerulea


Aka Nymphaeaceae of the Water Lily Family

Location: Tropical and Warm Locations Around the World

The Old World and New World alike have known the Nymphaea and Nyphaea Water Lilys to be psychoactive and capable of powerful effects. They grow where the ground is moist and are very commonly found along river banks, streams and ponds. N. caerulea is very abundant throughout the Nile river, hence explaining why it has such deep and rich history in the folklore of the region. They are easy to spot, having either white, purple or blueish flowers and growing close to the ground. While the plant may not reach tall heights, the flowers can be up to 6 inches in diameter and are very attractive.

These two species are the most notable Nympaea in the world of psychoactives. Both are traditionally employed by ancient Egyptians, however, the entire world has experienced versions of this plant and its psychoactive constituents. The first species, N. ampla, is used for its hallucinogenic properties. The second species, N. caerulea, is used for its sedative and marijuana-like effects. Both herbs are capable of inducing lucid dreaming (and experiencing and remembering intense, vivid dreams).