Can I Still Use Kratom While Bodybuilding?

How Can Kratom Help Bodybuilders?

Bodybuilding and Kratom: Is Kratom Useful?

Despite its use as a traditional medicine for hundreds of years, there are still many people who are unfamiliar with Kratom. What is it good for and why are people in the fitness industry talking about it now as if it were a buzzword? What is Kratom exactly? Is it safe? Why do some bodybuilders swear by it? Why should one try it?

What is Kratom Anyway?

Kratom comes from the leaves of the Mitragyna Speciosa plant, an evergreen tree that grows mainly in Southeast Asia. As a plant relative of the coffee family, Mitragyna Speciosa can be found in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. In those countries, people have been consuming this seemingly simple and innocent-looking plant for hundreds of years to help with controlling pain within one’s body, help increase energy and decrease appetite. It is also known to help enhance one’s sexual encounters thanks to the alkaloids and flavonoids properties found within the plant’s leaves.

Extracts have also been made from Kratom and then used for various medical issues. The extracts have been used to treat wounds and as a local anesthetic. Medicine has been made from the extracts to help treat coughs, diarrhea and intestinal infections. It has even been used as deworming agent!

In recent years, Kratom has been used to help with opioid withdrawal, but there are records that the plant has been used as an opium substitute in Malaysia since as early as 1836.

Modern Uses for Kratom

In its early days, people would chew Kratom leaves to get the desired effects, but today, Kratom is ground into a power for easy consumption. Most people use Kratom to receive relief from muscle pain. They use it as an aid to treat anxiety and depression. Some use it as an energy booster while others use it to help them relax of fight insomnia. Some people have found that the plant helps them to concentrate better. So, how does any of that help with bodybuilding?

Kratom + Bodybuilding

According to Kratom Times, not many studies have been done on Kratom and the ones that have been done do not focus on bodybuilding at all. In fact, it appears that the plant doesn’t contain any muscle-building properties either. Even so, the website agrees with many that the plant can be an excellent tool to help one build muscle. Here’s how:

– It Gives an Energy Boost

Kratom’s superpower is its amazing way it can help to boost one’s energy level for hours. The more energy one has, the harder and longer one can work out. Since Kratom also has a relaxing benefit to it, it won’t make one feel all jittery or give one a nervous feeling that can come from drinking traditional energy drinks. In addition, one should never mix Kratom with an energy drink.

– It Helps to Motivate You

Kratom helps to heighten one’s sensory perception which in turn can help one focus more. Many users of Kratom state that it helps to keep them motivated and less lazy.

– It Makes You Happier

It is said that taking a little Kratom when one is feeling sad, agitated or frustrated can help changes one’s mood quickly.

– It Can Help Control Your Appetite

Kratom is a great appetite suppressant reducing your appetite and will make you feel less hungry. And if one is less hungry, they will eat a lot less, so it can be used as a weight loss tool.

– It Helps to Control Pain

While many people used Kratom to control pain, bodybuilders should consume the substance before their workout which will help their muscles to ache less during strenuous workouts.

Using Kratom for Bodybuilding Success

Kratom can be consumed in a variety of ways. It can brewed as a tea, tossed in a protein shake, smoothie, juice or yogurt or can be swallowed in pill form. It is recommended that one use only low doses of Kratom (about 2-4 grams of powder) taken about a half hour before a workout. Low does will help to increase speed and stamina, but larger doses promotes relaxation and gives off a sedating effect. Kratom lasts for about three hours, so there is no need to consume more during a training session.

Kratom also comes in a variety of strains: white, green and red. White strain will give one the most energy and green comes in a close second. However, red strains are better for relaxation rather than energy.

One of Kratom’s mild yet troubling side effects is that it can cause dehydration and constipation, so it is recommended that one consumes even more water than usual during a workout while taking Kratom.

The Bottom Line

Just as everyone’s body and mind are different, Kratom will affect different people differently. It is recommended that one only try the substance in small quantities to see how it will affect them.


Kratom Times –

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