What Pills Wills Improve Dream Memory?

Are There Pills for Improving Dream Memory?

Remembering Your Dreams

It is said that humans spend about six hours each night dreaming about one thing or another. One of worst feelings in the world is waking up in the middle of a really good dream. Next on the list is forgetting most of what that really good dream was all about. You stumble around trying to recall what it was that you just experienced. You know that it was life-changing if you could just remember what it was. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just take a pill and you could instantly remember everything? While that isn’t a reality (yet) there are a few supplements that have been shown to be a good aid in helping one remember these dreams as they are happening with fairly few side effects.

“If you’re really excited about remembering your dreams, try a supplement,” says Rebecca Turner a writer for the website World of Lucid Dreaming. “Dreaming supplements are nothing like those you’ll find in the body building industry – where people are hawking over-hyped claims of ingredients that don’t work!”

In fact, often the side-effects of the following is vivid dreams! And the more intense a dream is, the more likely one will be able to remember more of it.

Many oneirogens (substances that invoke a dream-like state of consciousness) are scientifically proven and established over 1000s of years of cultural use,” says Turner.

Some of the Best Supplements for Remembering Your Dreams

Vitamin B6
A number of studies have shown that when consuming extra doses of Vitamin B6, one is likely to experience vivid dreams. People who take this supplement tend to stay in a dream state longer too. Vitamin B6 converts the amino and tryptophan into serotonin, which helps to produce vivid dreams.

In a double-blind study, 100 people were tested for Vitamin B6 use. Half were given the drug while the other were given a placebo. Those that were given Vitamin B6 reported that they had an easier time remembering their dreams even as the day wore on.

The recommended daily allowance suggested for adults is 1.5 mg of Vitamin B6 daily ad that can easily be achieved from the foods that they eat. However, in order to see bigger and brighter dreams, one should consume about 100 mg of the vitamin taken near bed time.

This herb is taken from Chinese club moss and it has a reputation for helping on experience long, intensely colorful dreams.

Your brain already makes this chemical on a regular basis, but a number of factors can inhibit it from doing its best work on its own. Melatonin impacts one’s REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Not only can Melatonin make one feel drowsy before bedtime, but it can also help one to wake up and get boing in the morning. But when it comes to the one’s dream life, it can help the person feel like they are in control.

You may already be aware that Valerian is a great fighter against insomnia. Now we know that it can aim in helping one remember their lucid dreams. Turner even recommends taking Valerian Root with the natural sleep aid Melatonin to experience “increased vivid and bizarre dreams.”

Ginkgo Biloba
While the jury is still out on how smart Ginkgo Biloba can make you, but it certainly does it stuff when it comes to dreaming. While it may not be the best supplement for making one’s dreams more vivid, it is one of the best for helping with dream recall.

Foods that Boost Dreams

If you find yourself not wanting to take in more supplements, there are some foods that can help in the area of dream recondition as well. In fact, consuming more of these foods along with any of the supplements mentioned above will often help in one’s dream quest. Foods like cheddar cheese, eggs, red meat, chicken, liver, salmon, lamb, white rice, chickpeas, soybeans, bananas, spinach, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, lentils, flour, oatmeal, wheat bran, pistachios, sunflower seeds and milk.


Easy Health Options – https://easyhealthoptions.com/supplement-remember-dreams-sleep-deep/

World of Lucid Dreaming – https://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/how-to-remember-your-dreams.html