Best Natural Pills For ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction Naturally and Permanently


What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

So many Americans (and couples around the world) have sexual dysfunctions and problems between the sheets. A lot of these problems can be traced to impotence in men. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability for the penis to achieve or maintain an erection long enough for sexual activity. It can be a physical or a mental problem (or both), and usually means decreased blood flow in the penis. ED is definitely more common than people realize. The only reason it may feel so uncommon is due to the embarrassing nature of the topic, leading to less discussions about ED. Sexual activity (or the lack thereof) can be severely frustrating when suffering from ED. Unfortunately, there are many causes of ED, so many that sometimes the actual cause can be hard to determine. Erectile dysfunction in men can be caused from aging, stress, drugs and alcohol, a lack of excitement, too much pornography (decreases sensitivity), and a variety of other things.

There is a long history of man both suffering and also trying to cure erectile dysfunction. Some cultures have proven more successful at this feat than others. There are all types of cures and remedies for erectile dysfunction which have been used around the world throughout history, too. Today, there is the advantage of being able to compare all of these treatments and their effectiveness, helping isolate the most effective cures.

A Few Words About Past Treatments For ED

erectile-dysfunction-remediesMany drugs that have come and gone throughout time to cure erectile dysfunction. Some of these drugs have worked very well, but the synthetic, prescription drugs almost always came at the cost of one or several side effects. Most notably, the most commonly prescribed drug to treat erectile dysfunction up until recent years, Yocon or Yohimex, was notorious for developing massive headaches (even migraines). While Yohimex did work, it only works because it mimics the effects of an actual natural herb that had been known for thousands of years to work great, Yohimbe. Other drugs, such as Viagra, had taken off as well, but had the same exact problem: erections led to headaches. And what was worse about Viagra, is sometimes it can take hours to actually work…and after it works, it can take hours to see the erection go away. Some other side effects included high blood pressure, dizziness, increased heart rate, irritability, flushed skin, stomach aches, nausea, and even problems seeing! Amazingly, the first month Viagra went on sale in 1998, doctors wrote an average of 10 thousand prescriptions a day! Many people have used these drugs for a long time, choosing to suffer their consequences and side effects purely because the erection achieved was real. But there is a better way, a natural way that works just as well and avoids the head aches.

Fortunately, modern times have afforded many new opportunities for men to cure Erectile dysfunction and bring the excitement back into their sex lives. Some of these treatments and cures are more effective than others. Some are natural, some are synthetic. Some remedies require a prescription, while others are over the counter. Natural cures for ED have been proving extremely effective in today’s times, likely due to the information age exposing so much more information about the Earth’s botanicals than ever previously available. The truth is, people have been using natural herbs to cure ED for thousands of years, in the cultures and areas where the cure has been recognized. Today, the entire world is now privy to these types of secrets and the ability to naturally and permanently cure erectile dysfunction is now available to everyone.

Natural Alternatives That Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Natural cures and remedies for erectile dysfunction in men have always existed. All ancient cultures had their fair share of plants used to entice intimacy, improve libido, and encourage erection. Ginseng is used for energy, focus and encouraging fertility. Rhodiola is used for energy and to help bolster blood flow in the genitals (thus increasing likelihood of an erection). Maca is one of the best and most known natural solutions for lack of libido, sex drive and erection. Maca is great for both, men and women, but is very helpful for men suffering from sexual dysfunctions. And last but not least, Yohimbe…the best one in fact, has been hailed around the world at this point for its awesome erection-giving abilities. Yohimbe is so good at curing erectile dysfunction that many pharmaceutical companies tried to recreate it in a synthesized format. Still, nothing is better than the real, natural plant (or a natural extraction of Yohimbine). There are a lot of supplements which focus on these herbs and working them together into more effective combinations.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Over The Counter

While there may be many prescription and synthetic choices for treating ED, there are also many natural supplements that already exist for ED, and that work extremely well (even beating out prescription options). Pirate Blast is one of the best, natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, carrying all of the necessary natural ingredients for an energy-infusing, intimate experience. It does work to increase libido and energy in bed for both, men and women…but it also comes with the awesome advantage of containing natural Yohimbe, the best kind for erectile dysfunction. They sell it in bottles that have 30 pills in a bottle, lasts a while and when you break it down per experience, it’s absolutely worth it (and 2 packs help provide an additional discount). In terms of supplements for ED, there is no doubt that this is the best choice.

Disclaimer: Botanical Shaman authors are not doctors and cannot provide medical advice. This article is for educational purposes only.