What Are Ayahuasca Visions Like [Ayahuasca Information]

What Do the Ayahuasca Visions Look Like?

Ayahuasca Visions

Having Visions on Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca may have been known for thousands of years and it may be known for many things. One of the most famous attributes of the popular Amazonian ceremonial drink is its powerful vision inducing effect. Ayahuasca is known to create intense visuals and hallucinations. This is because of its DMT containing ingredients. DMT is well experimented with as a recreational drug today, but the traditional ayahuasca preparations are much different than this new age experimentation. Ayahuasca is a spiritual, sacred drink and the process of consuming it is more of a ritual. The drink itself is a concoction of multiple ingredients, not just DMT, and it is extremely effective. This traditional beverage has been called the most powerfully natural cleansing of the Amazon and on the planet.

With that being said, most people who are interested in ayahuasca or having an ayahuasca experience, want to know what the visions are like. Many potential ayahuasca participants wonder what visuals they will see, if the visions are benevolent and positive, and what the hallucinations physically look like. Fortunately, some things about ayahuasca are similar between experiences, and the types of visions experienced on the ceremonial beverage, can sometimes be one of those things.

Common Visions Experienced On Ayahuasca

The visions of some ayahuasca experiences may be overwhelming, and catch a participant by surprise. So it is best to prepare for an ayahuasca trip by studying some of the common visions that people have reported experiencing on the drink.

Colorful Geometric Shapes and Crystallization

The visuals of Ayahuasca (especially when prepared traditionally with Chacruna), well known to contain very colorful swirls of geometric patterns and shapes. Some people report visuals of the reality around them crystallizing. Sometimes the hallucinations are a combination of crystallization and geometric patterns. No matter the shapes or exact contour, these types of visuals are always moving, much like a kaleidoscope, and usually in a swirling motion.

Heavy, Dark Energy Swirls

At some points of the experience, participants have been known to see heavy looking, very dense-like swirls of darker colors coming from the participant’s body. The participant normally senses these swirls as energy, particularly unwanted energy. Many guides and shaman believe that these swirls are indeed negative and unwanted energies pouring from the body as a part of the cleansing process. When a participant is properly prepared for an ayahuasca ceremony, they understand this to be a positive part of the experience.

Insightful Visions of the Future

Insightful visions of the future are not a guaranteed part of an ayahuasca trip. Some trips are void of visions altogether. But for those lucky participants who receive actual useful information about the future, the visions are still not always clear during the experience. In many cases, the visions are more abstract by design and the participant may require help interpreting the vision.

Dark Colored Insects

Insects can manifest themselves as realistic as they come on a number of hallucinogens, however, they are very well known to appear to those on an ayahuasca journey. When insects appear during an ayahuasca trip, they are normally very dark in color. Usually they are seen scurrying from the body, as though they are exiting the participant’s soul. When insects are present in a vision, they are normally in large quantities. Many guides explain that a vision of insects leaving the body is a good thing. They suggest this means the body is being cleansed of negative energy.

the-eagleThe Eagle

The Eagle and other flying birds may appear in visions during an ayahuasca experience. Spiritually, their traditional cultures of the ayahuasca drink believe that the Eagle represents sovereignty, largely because the Eagle is close to the heavens. As man typically looks up for help from the gods, the Eagle can be seen as a symbol of the divine and as a powerful creature. The Eagle is considered an impressively wise being and can symbolize an awakening of many sorts. The Eagle is also associated with love.

The Jaguar

The Jaguar holds a special place in shamanic tradition, especially in Peruvian and Amazonian cultures. Many shaman believe that they actually transform into Jaguars. The Jaguar is seen as a strong, divine animal. This is probably because it is one of the most powerful, fastest and most successful hunters of the Amazon. Most people and other animals in the jungle, fear the Jaguar. Many shaman and guides believe that the appearance of a Jaguar in a vision is a symbol of power. Assuming the participant can overcome their fear of seeing such a capable creature, it is believed that the participant can seize the Jaguar’s power.

Dark Colored Snakes or a Giant Snake

Sometimes snakes manifest during an ayahuasca experience for similar reasons as the insects and dark swirls. When there are many small snakes, typically they are dark in color. The snakes can be seen in the surrounding environment, or also leaving the body (much like the insects). Historically around the world, snakes are associated with two things: medicine and healing or evil and malevolence. When it comes to ayahuasca, seeing many small dark colored snakes exiting the body or lingering around the body typically represents a cleansing process (healing).

There are instances where the snake makes a more dominant appearance in a vision, sometimes even being the absolute center focus. Sometimes the snake is very big, much like an anaconda. This snake has even been known to talk to participants, and provide them ancient wisdom. This is no coincidental encounter, as there is intricate folklore surrounding ayahuasca and its connection to an ancient snake of the Amazon.

Amazonian tribes believe that there is a giant, immortal snake sleeping in the deep jungle of the Amazon, only to wake once every 70 years. This snake is a benevolent creature which can communicate with Ayahuasca drinkers, offering them valuable advice and wisdom. The snake is said to possess incredible healing powers, and able to bestow incredible prophecy to those lucky enough to encounter. The snake is said to be so large that it can sleep undisturbed without any other creatures realizing it is alive, and without noticing the wildlife that may crawl over it. Moss and flowers even begin to cover the scales, making it even harder to detect.

spirit-guides-power-animalsSpirit Guides (Power Animals)

Although some animals may be more likely to be seen than others (such as the Eagle, the Jaguar, the snake, or even insects from the cleansing process), there are still wide varieties of animals that may manifest in an ayahuasca vision. Most of the time, and animal manifestation in an ayahuasca vision is considered a “power animal”. A power animal can be associated with a person’s time of need, offering the participant the suggested necessary attitude or behavioral traits to overcome a particular challenge. A power animal could also be associated more closely to the participant, even providing them a lifetime’s worth of aid. Many guides have agreed that it is possible to have more than one power animal, both at one time, as well as throughout one’s life.


Unfortunately, many ayahuasca trips can result in experiencing visions of monsters. Sometimes these monsters are made of material or look of places that are simply not from Earth. These monsters can sometimes seem threatening, but in usual circumstances they are merely a product of the ayahuasca cleansing process. A lot of shaman teach that the ayahuasca drink manifests our fears and life’s challenges, as well as hidden, deep-seated issues. They explain that these manifestations can come in the form of feelings and energy, thought, and vision. Normally when a monster is present in an ayahuasca vision, it is a symbol of the spirit and psyche ridding itself of the unwanted energy. Regardless, guides will remind ayahuasca drinkers that there is never a reason to be afraid, as the drink is only producing the necessary spiritual assets to balance the soul.

Other Worlds

Just as a participant may experience monsters or beings that appear to be from other worlds, they may very well experience being transported to other worlds. It is possible to see visions of places that that may have existed in another time, as well as visions of possible other dimensions. Some visions are said to be of the future, and others are said to be of ancient times. Some visions of other worlds appear in a kaleidoscopic format, being composed of many shapes and ideas.

There have been some ayahuasca experiences which suggest multiple versions of the future exist, separating the ego, the future, and all of existence into a very decision – based environment of many strands. Some ayahuasca drinkers describing able to see the decision-making process, with the ability to fully understand cause and effect. There are a variety of worlds which have become accessible with ayahuasca, some being more abstract than others.

Memories of the Past

For some ayahuasca drinkers, their experience becomes a very vivid walk down memory lane. Unfortunately, this is particularly true for traumatic experiences. It has been suggested that trauma is more likely to be revealed during an ayahuasca vision because it is a significant part of the soul’s healing process. Sometimes these memories can be very painful, and induce wild crying fits. Most shaman agree that these visions are some of the most powerful ayahuasca can provide, as they are accompanied by incredible feelings of resolve. Many ayahuasca drinkers feel they can truly let go of painful past experiences and move on with their life.

Divine ConnectionDivine Connection

Some ayahuasca drinkers experience visions of the cosmos, or traveling through space. Many ayahuasca drinkers attest to having a greater connection with the universe and even understanding it fully. There is usually a sense of synchronicity and singularity among all people and things. A lot of ayahuasca drinkers feel more secure with their idea or belief system of the afterlife. Many ayahuasca drinkers explain feeling like an old, immortal soul…traveling the universe. There are even some experiences which purportedly allow communication with deities and the heavens.

Last Notes On Visuals Experienced On Ayahuasca

Remember, most guides explain that the fear ayahuasca may create for some experiences is an inner fear or anxiety from a participant’s life. Most guides agree that being afraid only makes the experience worse, however, accepting the fear as a message and using the fear as a tool for self-exploration can turn the experience into an overwhelmingly positive one. Sometimes a participant will not have visions at all, which can mean not enough of the drink was consumed or a participant has reached a truly centered place and was spiritually solvent.

Frequently there is more to be realized in a vision or hallucination than a participant can account for during the actual experience. For this reason, it is commonly suggested to also allow adequate time for reflection after the trip is over. Experienced shaman and guides will normally coach participants ahead of time as to the fact that not all visions will make sense during the experience itself, and that some are meant to be understood only in the future. Likewise, there are visions suggested to be understood during the experience and which can produce a life-changing epiphany. Many people have attributed total life transformations to their visions experienced with ayahuasca.