Best Pill for Daily Stress Relief

Over The Counter Medicine to Reduce Stress

daily stress relief pills

Do Any OTC Medicines Actually Reduce Stress?

Daily stress can really start to take its toll on any normal human being. With all the normal stresses of daily interactions with other people, technology, and the world, tensions can easily rise. Today’s way of living keeps many people so tightly bound to the internet. This lifestyle contributes to many people lacking the appropriate stress-relieving mechanisms or activities which were experienced as recently as within the last 30 years by many others. That said, it is only natural to seek other ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. One of the most popular ways to fight daily stress is the use of modern pharmaceutical and botanical advances (aka plants, herbs, drugs and pills). Botanical Shaman is a big fan of natural and non-synthetic solutions, and has thus compiled a list of the most effective, natural pills for daily stress relief.

Best Supplements for Daily Stress Relief

There may be many pills meant to help reduce anxiety and decrease stress, but only a few pills are truly effective at providing real daily stress relief. Here are the best pills for daily stress relief, ranked.

#1 Pirate Chill

otc anxiety and daily stress relief pills pirate chill

Pirate Chill is the best natural pill for daily stress relief. The formula is simple, invoking the sedating and stress-relieving powers of the Griffonia Seed Extract (5-HTP). Pirate Chill also utilizes the calming effects of L-Theanine and Passionflower, with a little Valerian for relaxation. Hands down, Pirate Chill is the best all around, over-the-counter supplement for stress relief, daily tension and mood enhancement. Pirate Botanicals produces many supplements that actually work. Their products tend to use safe formulas that include natural ingredients many cultures around the world have been using to treat things like anxiety for thousands of years. Pirate Chill can be used daily to reduce overall stress, or taken as-needed (panic attacks, more frustrating days, etc.).

Check out Pirate Chill at Pirate Botanicals.

#2 Protazen

stress relief pills protazen

Protazen is one of the best natural pills for daily stress relief, and overall anxiety. Of the many ingredients, 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine are the two most important. Although there are more defined versions of Protazen, the base formula is effective at reducing anxiety and promoting overall stress-relief. Like Pirate Chill, Protazen is also a natural mood enhancer, which can be helpful to people who suffer from anxiety and daily stresses. Protazen is meant to be taken every day and works best when it is taken on a daily basis. Protazen has been around for a while, their earliest formula dating back to 2004.

Check out Protazen at

#3 RediCalm

anxiety and stress pills redicalm

RediCalm provides stress relief that is helpful for both, daily stress and long-term anxiety build-up. It is used by some folk every day and has helped reduce overall stress. Other people prefer to use RediCalm only when it is needed. This product includes some of the same ingredients used by other pills on this list, as these ingredients have been proven to actually work for treating anxiety. The over-the-counter RediCalm formula includes Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, Passionflower, 5-HTP and Lemon Balm. Most people who use RediCalm notice effects fairly quickly, and nearly all people who try RediCalm are willing to recommend it to someone else.

Check out RediCalm at

#4 Anxiety and Stress Essentials

otc pills stress and anxiety essentials

Natural Wellbeing makes a lot of products, and many of them work very well. Anxiety and Stress Essentials is one example of their more effective products. This supplement focuses on natural, stress-relieving ingredients that have been proven to reduce daily stress overtime. Some of the ingredients include Ashwagandha root extract, Bacopa monnieri extract, L-Theanine and St Johns Wort. Anxiety and Stress Essentials may take a little while to start noticing (sometimes after weeks of having included it in daily regiment), but the effects are real and the grass on the other side of the journey, really is greener.

Check out Anxiety and Stress Essentials at Natural Wellbeing.

#5 HUM Big Chill

otc pill hum nutrition big chill

The HUM Big Chill recipe is simple and includes only one ingredient Rhodiola Rosea extract, which on the site is referred to more specifically as a “calming root extract.” While Rhodiola is typically used for many other things, of which are usually not “sedating” in nature…this extract formula does provide a more focused, calm effect, and thus has developed a bit of a cult following. It does take using Big Chill daily for a while before effects are typically noticed. HUM is more popular among women, however, HUM Big Chill works for both, women and men.

Check out HUM Big Chill by HUM Nutrition.

Effective OTC Medicines for Stress Relief

Obviously there are many plants, herbs, supplements, remedies and pills which can help reduce daily stress. There are also a lot of products and pills which can promote relaxation. Finding one of the more effective over the counter medicines for stress relief that works for most people, and fast, can be hard. Some people might even say it could create a lot of anxiety simply trying to figure out which pill works and which pill doesn’t. However, these pills have proven to provide natural and effective stress relief that actually works without any synthetic formulas or overstated marketing propaganda. In fact, they each have their own following and have been the most popular choices for daily stress relief for the simple fact that they actually are effective.

Important Disclaimer: The Botanical Shaman is not a doctor and this information is not meant to substitute medical advice.