How to Have a Spiritual Trip On Psychedelic Drugs

Best Way to Have a Psychedelic Trip


Having a Spiritual Psychedelic Experience

Psychedelic drug use can often be attributed to one of two reasons: recreational use or spiritual use. Those looking for spiritual use consider themselves “true psychonauts.” Most psychonauts will agree that most psychedelic drugs, have the ability to open many doors and are often better explored from a spiritual sense. Psychedelic drugs typically offer much more to spiritual users in terms of effects. And through the course of time, and from the very many experiences of psychedelic drug use which already exist, it has become possible to outline the best way to have a psychedelic trip. It is even possible to nearly ensure that a user has a spiritual psychedelic experience, with the right routine.

Although it is possible to have a spiritual experience with nearly any psychedelic drug, some are more prone to provide greater spiritual insight than others. It is also true that all psychedelic drugs, like any psychoactive drug, affects each person differently. Still, some psychedelic drugs produce visual hallucinations which take the form of geometric shapes or crystallization. There are also psychedelic drugs which produce intense, lifelike hallucinations of people, spirits, and otherworldly beings. Obviously geometric shapes and crystallization is less spiritual to most people than a manifestation of angels, demons, God, or a variety of other realistic visuals.

How to Have a Spiritual Psychedelic Trip

These stages are purportedly the best way to have a spiritual psychedelic experience. Most psychonauts utilize a system like this (if not the system exactly), in order to maximize their spiritual experience on a psychedelic drug.


Prior to ingesting or otherwise administering any entheogen or psychedelic drug, especially a hallucinogen, one should consider the correct pre-dosage meal and timing of any eating. Hawaiian baby Wood Rose seeds, for example, are typically advised to be consumed on an empty stomach, as some foods can actually destroy the LSA content and ultimately eliminate the psychedelic experience altogether. It is important to take all substances that are being ingested into consideration. Even common tap water contains minerals which can be massive deficits when it comes to having a psychedelic trip. It is a good idea to select a setting that accommodates the desired spiritual experience. Having a babysitter or guide is always smart as well.



Ingesting or otherwise and taking the actual psychedelic drug is an experience in itself. There is typically a lot of anxiety or excitement in a user, depending upon their level of experience and enthusiasm. This excitement and/or anxiety can create a number of neurotransmitter responses in the brain and funnel the user into a certain type of experience. One of the most critical time frames for maintaining positive mindset and continually recalling the reason for the ingestion. Reminding oneself that the purpose of the psychedelic experience is to safely explore oneself, or otherwise have spiritual journey of a positive capacity.

Now is typically the time a psychonaut or psychedelic traveler will play their choice of ‘ambiance’ music. Relaxing is often suggested, with a comfortable place to sit or lay. It is imperative to understand dosages and have a babysitter or guide, in order to avoid any negative effects from having taken too much. This being mentioned because laying on one’s back and being alone after ingesting too much of a hallucinogen is asking for fatality. With a proper dose, a babysitter or guide, and a relaxing environment, however, one is able to truly soak in the experience with a reasonable sense of security.

The First Effects

The initial onset of noticeable effects can sometimes create a little nausea or discomfort as well. Nausea and discomfort are typically signs that a substance has been overdone. Still, many psychedelic drugs work pretty much the same way in terms of trend of effects. This meaning that the onset of effects are typically weaker than the peak effects. Most psychonauts and experts on the topic of psychedelic drugs would describe onset effects as the first initial instances of a user noticing mood or mind altering effects.

Of the very many types of experiences people have had with the very many different types of psychedelic drugs, usually the initial effects of a properly administered psychedelic drug are somewhat pleasant and for new users (or users experimenting with higher doses) can also be somewhat surprising. Depending upon the psychedelic drug, guides or the experiencing psychonaut themselves may decide to increase the dosage in this phase. Some initial onsets for some drugs are only a few moments in (sometimes even a few seconds into administration), while other times it can take hours before a drug shows its initial effects.

Keep in mind that while many substances may require large doses to achieve psychedelic effects, sometimes other components of a plant are consumed as well which can be considered toxins to the body. When the body vomits it is typically expelling a substance that considers toxic. Sometimes these toxic substances are exactly what create the hallucinogenic effects, but other times with the right research, they could have been filtered out. Doing adequate research about a psychedelic drug ahead of time, or having an experience guide, can help one determine whether or not vomiting is wise. Many times there would have been a variety of ways to accomplish the psychedelic trip without any of the negative effects, provided the right experience, preparation, and dosages were applied.

Embracing the Experience


One big mistake made among amateur psychonauts and psychedelic drug users, is the failure to fully foster the experience. Many psychonauts have done the appropriate level of research, administer the correct dosage, and even selected the right setting for their psychedelic trip, only to panic when the full hallucinations begin to appear. Real life concerns, which have created stress and normal life such as: financial troubles, relationship troubles, self expectation deficits or disappointment in oneself, and a variety of other issues, can absolutely creep into a psychedelic experience in a very bad way. Thus, most experienced psychonauts and guides suggest letting go of the problems in one’s life, and trying to focus purely on relaxation.

In this stage of embracing the experience, it is sometimes helpful to let go of all expectations one may have had about the psychedelic journey they are partaking in. Instead of focusing on what was expected in this stage, it is often better to reach a level of acceptance, a mentality of “going with the flow of the experience.” Some psychedelic trips can be magical, a beautiful road, full of adventure. These types of trips are more easily achieved by letting go of real-world associations. This means releasing oneself from their own personal identity, real-life issues and troubles, habits of concern, and surrendering to the mind’s true awareness of the psychedelic experience at hand. This is also the stage where one may begin realizing more spiritual feelings.

The Plateau

The Plateau is the most anticipated part of a psychedelic experience, and accounts for attracting a large number of psychonauts or curious users to a particular psychedelic drug. The Plateau is the part of the psychedelic experience by which the effects of the drug are reaching their peak. It can be extremely hard to recognize, even for experienced psychonauts; and it is even harder to tell when it is almost over. Still, the Plateau is considered the most spiritual part of most psychedelic experiences, and thus many people look forward to it.

Some experienced psychonauts and guides suggest that music is necessary to achieve a full spiritual experience, while there are other guides and experts who will attest that total silence is best during Plateau. There are guides which go as far as to alter music via volume, tempo, or by using a variety of tunes during the Plateau. Many of these techniques are offered as a way to help a psychonaut better explore oneself, the world they are experiencing, and also to better remember the experience. Some guides offer vocal cues and helpful commands in order to help prolong and/or enhance the psychedelic experience.

The Comedown Time

psychedelic-come-downMost amateur psychonauts or recreational psychedelic drug users seem to overlook planning for the comedown period that follows the Plateau. This is the time between the Plateau (the height of the experience) and the hangover (where no hallucinogenic or positive psychoactive effects remain). It is best to consider the comedown time as a downward slope, rather than a crash. In other words, there are activities which are more suited for directly following a Plateau, and then there are activities which are more suited for a few hours down the road. For instance, it is unwise to serve food to someone who just barely began understanding reality again. It would also be unwise to allow someone to dehydrate if they are coherent and need water. These types of thoughts are usually best reserved for a guide or babysitter, however with the appropriate, responsible dosage, even in amateur psychonaut could put forth some reasonable level of planning into place to accommodate.

There are some foods and substances which are better during a comedown period, and there are some which can make a hangover worse. Water should almost always be available and consumed in some moderate capacity, as remaining hydrated helps prevent many hangover symptoms for a number of drugs. Sometimes a psychedelic drug user will not feel like eating after the Plateau, which can be okay or could also be ill advised (sometimes eating a light snack can prevent nausea and vomiting). Food selections should always be simple to eat (such as appetizers or finger foods) and easy on the stomach.

A psychonauts mindset may be vulnerable during the comedown, as not everyone has a positive life-changing epiphany; therefore, a guide or babysitter should be present and offer any necessary support. It may be wise to remind the psychonaut the purpose of their experience. And depending upon how coherent a psychedelic drug user is in the comedown period, other activities may be provided for mental stimulation. Some people enjoy watching a spiritual or “deep” movie, others enjoy reading a book (or being read to). Everyone is different, just like every experience.

Things To Do After a Psychedelic Trip

A psychedelic experience does not end with the comedown. There are still responsibilities which should be considered part of the trip, that can still greatly enhance the overall experience (including what the psychonaut takes from the experience, as well as improving or eliminating the hangover, if any). Water should still be regularly consumed, as it helps the psychedelic drug user rehydrate, and also does a great job of cleansing the body of toxins. Sleep is also sometimes suggested, and could even continue the experience, manifesting dreams of great vividness or lucidity.

Reflection is a big part of recovering from a psychedelic trip. Whether a spiritual trip was positive, negative, or somewhere in between, there is a lot to be gained still from reflecting on the experience. Trying to re-imagine the effects, replaying them in the mind, works best more immediately after the trip. Like a dream, the experience can become harder to recall the farther away from the plateau one gets…thus, immediate recollection of the details are important. A psychonaut and/or guide should not consider a psychedelic experience complete until the psychonaut has fully regained total self-awareness, world-awareness, accurate perception, and a healthy, clear state of mind and body.