Natural Herbs For Lucid Dreaming

What Plants Are Used For Lucid Dreaming?


Natural Plants Used To Lucid Dream

As far back as human beings were around, so were their dreams. Dreams are still only moderately understood and in ancient times, they were understood much less.  Shaman and religious practices of many cultures around the world implemented a variety of plants to induce lucidity in dreaming.  Lucidity meaning, the ability to gain awareness that one is dreaming, within a dream. Usually this enables much more control over the dream, allowing the dreamer to almost “build their world” and those persons and things within it.  The ability to lucid dream is long sought after by shaman for religious purposes, but also by everyday people for recreational and exploration purposes.

Full List: The Best Herbs For Lucid Dreaming

Although there are many plants which can be used for lucid dreaming, some stand out as the most excellent choices known in modern times. Here is a list of the best herbs used for incuding lucid dreams.

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

Wild Lettuce is probably the best herb for inducing lucid dreams, and it is quite reliable! Wild lettuce can be seen prepared a variety of ways. One of the most common ways is a tea.  Shaman have a special preparation for a beverage that would induce strong visions. Today, brewing a cup of wild lettuce before bed can still encourage lucid dreams.  There are many Wild Lettuce products, however, and some of them are rather weak (doing nothing at all), while others can be extremely strong.  Like many herbs, the quality of the source matters a great deal. Taking care of the plants throughout their life cycle, from seedling to harvest to preservation can go a long way.  In other words: the higher quality Wild Lettuce produces the more vivid and “real like” lucid dreaming (also encouraging lucid dreaming a lot more in general). Edge 77 sells a premium Wild Lettuce that is the best for both, smoking or brewing it as an herbal tea.  It’s also legal basically everywhere, including in the United States.

African Dream Root (Silene capensis)

Silene capensis lucid dreaming

This root is obviously native to Africa, specifically South Africa. There are many documented instances throughout literature of this plant being used by shaman and other religious figureheads to induce lucid dreaming.  Many religious ceremonies in the area use African Dream Root to induce visions.

Aztec Dream Grass (Calea zacatechichi)

Of the many plants and herbs that one can use to lucid dream, the Aztec Dream Grass is one of the most well-documented for the purpose. Indians of all types of tribes throughout the Americas, specifically Central and South America, have made a variety of concoctions using this plant to induce visions of the future, ancestral or regressive visions of the past, or other epiphany inducing experiences. This special grass has been known to promote lucid dreaming dating all the way back to the Mayans.

Sinicuiche (Heimia salicifolia)

Sinicuiche is native throughout Mexico and North America. It can also be found scattered throughout Central and South America.  Many tribes consider this plant to be sacred and use it for its incredible sleep inducing properties. There are shamanic rituals among many Mexican tribes, such as the Huastec, using this plant for its ability to promote lucid dreaming.

Mugwort (Artemisa Vulgaris)

Mugwort is very common throughout Europe and Asia. It is been used for thousands of years for a variety of medicinal and traditional purposes. Some tribes and cultures have used mugwort to promote peaceful and relaxing sleep, also promoting the likelihood of experiencing a lucid dream.

Wild Asparagus Root (Asparagus Racemosus)

This special root is almost more of a weed or grass, and is most abundantly found in the India, Nepal, and Tibet region of the world. Although this plant has a variety of medicinal uses, it also is found used in a variety of sleep inducing, vision seeking, and lucid dream promoting rituals.

Blue Lotus Flower (Nymphaea caerulea)

Blue Lotus Flower is one of the most under-recognized dream herbs available to Western culture; this being despite the fact that blue Lotus has a long history of use in many cultures and religious ceremonies throughout history and the world. Blue Lotus tea, a concoction that is brewed by shaman native to the Egyptian region, is a very strong inducer of lucid dreams.

Sugandi Root (Hemidismus indicus)

Hemidismus indicus for lucid dreaming

Sugandi Root has been well-known throughout Asia for its strong dream-inducing properties. It is capable of giving powerful visions and helping shaman seize control of their dreams.  This root is typically used for prophecy within dreams.

Disclaimer: Always avoid using herbs or plants that are unknown to you if pregnant or nursing without consulting a physician.

Last Notes on Herbal Lucid Dreaming Recipes

There are many plants that can help one sleep better. There are also many plants that can help one dream better. But there are only a few herbs or plants which are designed to help one take control of their dreams, and realize that they are dreaming from within the dream. These special plants are regarded as sacred in many religions in cultures throughout the world (usually where they are native), and have thick history of use in shamanic and religious ceremonies.  Many of these plants used in these rituals, can be prepared in the same way easily at home and used by nearly anyone around the world today to induce lucid dreaming.